Kids Wellbeing Resources

Hello Reader,

This is the very first Calm Ahoy Kids email I've sent out and I thought I'd round up some of the free resources I have available and new resources that I have created to support children's wellbeing.

I know we are all in really difficult times at the moment and I just hope I can help in some little way. As you'll see above, we've had a bit of a pirate theme going on lately, so follow you can follow the link here and check out my latest blog, there's also a free printable poster and I recorded the A Pirates Breaths video for children to watch too.

My Free Resources:

Take a Creative Mindful Moment

I have also written a blog about making art to sounds and my son and I loved getting the instruments out and making art. The great thing anything goes, so this is suitable for all ages. You could also try the same activity but using songs, the aim of the activity it to get in the moment, to really listen to the sound and just create, see what comes up.

Take Care, Emma 💙

Calm Ahoy Kids

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Hello Hello Reader Sending kind wishes to you, as I sit here typing this email with my cup of coffee (gotta appreciate the small things!) A little note: if you want to access my free resources library then head here and enter the password: youaremysunshine The focus this month has had an Autumn vibe. I know some of you may be heading into spring. I love both seasons for the opportunities they give us and our kids to notice the changes that are happening in nature. Kids are great detectives,...